Meeting Minutes
Town of
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday-March 17, 2008
**see subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: D. Benware, T. Barker, R. Fiske, B. Oliver, K. Young
Others Present: Kylee Rochon, Bucky Shackett, Scott Pidgeon (briefly)
Donna Pidgeon, Arlan Pidgeon, Jeff Laberge (20 min).
Call to Order: The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and agenda review.
New Business: Jeff Laberge/truck traffic
The Chair suspended the order of business in order to hear Jeff Laberge, representing Salisbury Selectboard to speak about Route 53 repairs
and their desire to curb truck traffic. He asked the Board how they felt about
posting an advisory sign in
await more information from
would bear the cost of the sign. Mr. Laberge left at 6:50 pm.
Approve Minutes: Motion Tom/Bob second: to approve the minutes of
02/19/08 as written—3 ayes (Diane, Bob, Tom).
Motion Tom/Bob second: to approve the minutes of 02/28/08 as written—
3 ayes (Diane, Bob, Tom).
Motion Ken/Bob second: to approve the minutes of 03/05/08 as written—
Unanimous (5 ayes).
Review/Sign Orders: The Board reviewed and signed the orders for payments.
Reports from Town Officials/Committees: Tom brought up the ordinance
signed last October directing loaded trucks hauling gravel from the
He noted that they all go past his house on
questioned the route. Donna stated that AOT advised to get the trucks to Route 7 as soon as possible and recommended using
Action: Motion by Bob/Ron second: to adopt to retain the plan for the trucks to use
2 nays (Tom and Ken)
Weight Permits: Bob will sign on behalf of the Board pending Arlan looking them over.
Town Government Appointments: Diane reviewed the list of appointments to be made and some individuals who had agreed to serve.
Town Service Officer & Deputy Health Officer: Sandy Eastwood
Cemetery Sexton: John Quelch
Fence Viewers: Michael Shackett (ask), Austin Johnson (ask), Selectboard
Inspector of Lumber: Dave Todd (ask)
Tree Warden: This position is of great concern to the Board and generated
much discussion. The Board hopes to avoid any potential conflicts with
residents who wish to cut trees that are within the town’s right-of-way.
Action: Motion by Tom/Ken second: to nominate Austin Johnson as tree warden, with the understanding that major decisions come before the Selectboard; unanimous.
Energy Coordinator: Motion by Bob/Ken second: to nominate John Quelch to the position; unanimous.
Solid Waste Representative has no term limit. Diane will contact Richard Reed to see if he will continue to serve.
Health Officer: Diane will check with Mr. Shackett about this position.
Emergency Management Coordinator comes up in May.
Letters of Interest for Vacancies: Clerk/Treasurer positions: Kylee Rochon sent a letter to express interest in both. Will conduct an interview shortly.
First Constable: Heidi Schuerger sent a letter expressing an interest. Action:
Motion by Ron/Ken second: to authorize the Chair to contact Heidi to encourage her to decline the position of Second Constable and then she will be offered the First Constable position. She can then come to the office to be sworn in. 4 ayes; 1 nay (Tom).
Meeting with ZA/ZBA information: The ZBA is meeting tomorrow night at 6 PM to interview Jenna Trudeau who has expressed interest in the secretary position for the ZBA. The Selectboard will meet with the ZBA at 6:30 PM to discuss several issues including the ZBA and/or ZA and what responsibilities belong to each. The minutes of the meetings since last August need to be transcribed and the files maintained in good order.
Old Business: The ceiling at the meeting house has been repaired. Paul Francoeur has submitted an estimate of $650. to replace the side door with a new fiberglass door and repair trim if needed. Action: Motion by Tom/Bob second: to accept the estimate of $650. Unanimous.
Update on paving grant: Tom Roberts of AOT reported that
Structures grant: Roberts stated the structures grant cannot be used for
Alden House: Copies of feasibility study given to new members.
Water situation at office: Ground water is running over the septic tank. Action: Motion by Ron/Ken second: to wait a little bit, then Arlan can install some pipes to divert the water into the drain; Unanimous.
Public Comment: Donna reported there is a burned fishing shanty at the
Executive Session: Motion Ron/Bob second: to go into executive session at 8:45 PM for the purpose of personnel discussion; unanimous. (recorder left).
(results of executive session to be supplied by Diane Benware see below **)
Next Meeting: April 7, 2008 @ 6:30 pm (Regular meeting)
March 18, 2008 @ 6:30 pm (Selectboard & Zoning Board)
Respectfully submitted,
Julie Dawson, Recording Secretary
**Motion at 8:50 p.m. by Tom to go into Executive Session for the purpose of interviewing Kylee Rochon for the position of Town Clerk/treasurer. Motion seconded by Ron, passed unanimously.
Motion at 9:05 p.m. to come out of Executive Session made by Tom, seconded by Ron, passed unanimously.
Motion by Tom, second by Bob, to hire Kylee Rochon as Town Clerk/Treasurer, upon her confirmation by the Addison County Clerk. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion at 9:12 p.m. by Tom to go into Executive Session , second by Ken, for the purpose of discussing salary with Scott Pidgeon. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion at 9:22 p.m. by Ken, to come out of Executive Session, second by Ron, passed unanimously.
Motion by Ken, second by Bob, to approve Scott's request for an additional $2.00 per hour to$17.00 per hour, noting this is an on-call 24/7 position. Motion passed unanimously. Scott is also willing to be trained to operate the grader. It is hoped that with Tom, Scott, Mike Denis and Kevin Clark that the dirt roads will be able to be maintained in better fashion.
Motion at 9:25 p.m. by Tom, second by Ken, to adjourn.
Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.