Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes - 5.07.18

Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Thursday, May 7, 2018
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present:  Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, John Rouse, Brad Lawes
Others Present:  Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Cree Perkins, Sandra Trombley, Secretary                                    
Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair. 
Pledge of Allegiance:
Review of Agenda:   Added Green Up update, and tires on pull off.
Approval of April 16, 2018 minutes:
Motion by John and second by Tom to approve minutes of April 16, 2018 as written.  All in favor.  So, approved.
Review/Authorization to Pay Bills:
Motion by John and second by Tom authorizing Julie to pay bills.  All in favor.  So, approved.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Diane reported that Green Up Day went well. The weather was good. There were lots of people that came out. 
It was a success.  They fed about 30 people.  The names of sponsors and raffle winners are posted in the Town Office.  Lem had his trailer there Friday night.  It was full on Saturday and he went again on Sunday. Odyssey of the Mind students from OV helped to pick up yesterday on Cram Road, lower Swinington Road and Fern Lake Road.
Diane mentioned four tires at the pull off on Route 7 on Salisbury Flats.  John offered to pick them up.
Julie mentioned a tire and other garbage at the Mini Baker Trail.  Diane will check into it.
Town Clerk/Treasurer:
Julie reported they signed off on the Finance & Maintenance Agreement for the Railroad Crossing Grant and the Milfoil Grant.
Julie reported they finalized the Town Plan with Regional Planning on April 25th.  They were quite happy with our plan.  It will go to the full Board on May 9th.  Once that is approved, they can submit the energy part to the plan to the Public Service Board for approval for the Energy Plan and then it’s done.
John picked up a dog for her today.
Road Foreman:
Arlan had nothing to report.
Weight Permits:
Weight permits were approved and signed for Hillman Construction, A.J. Piper Excavating, Harvest Equipment, Sherman Jewett.
Cemetery Committee:
Tom found all metal markers in the first row in the new part.  He wants to run some lines and getting it up and running. 
Tom has all the material to do a Walter Cerf Grant to be in for June 15th.
Tom reported that a grave was dug last week. It was a very poor job and there was mud all over grave stones and up on head stones.  A corner marker was moved out of place.  Nothing was raked off or seeded.  It was a mess.   Tom will contact Gary Stanley.
There is a post out by the road.  The back end needs a post.
Brad thinks it’s a good idea to identify the boundary line visually at the cemetery.
Board approved that Tom can take care of it.
Health Officer:
Suki Fredericks, organic farmer, sent her annual letter to certify that the Town is not going to use herbicide on the cemetery lot property.
Diane will write a letter that this year we have no intention of using herbicides.
Meeting Health Officer Candidate:
Introductions to Cree Perkins, interested person for the Town Health Office position.
Cree shared her experience with the Board.  Her background is in education, working for Project Hope, helping with meals at the Charter House, volunteer for Everybody Wins at the Neshobe School, on Everybody Wins State Board, Water Quality Committee LDFLA, has a Book Club at the Brandon Library.  The reason she is volunteering is to be more involved in the Town.  She would like to learn on the job.
Tom explained this position is basically working for the State of Vermont more than the town.  There is a lot to it.
Diane explained that when it comes to water testing, inspecting rental properties, there is a State manual that must be followed. Dog bites require an investigation.
The Health Department provide trainings and publications.
Sometimes the job requires two individuals to go to inspections.
Brad asked how to get rid of a mosquito infested cellar hole near him.  It is a breeding area for mosquitos.  Diane will do an inspection and research who owns the property.  She will include Cree.
Tom asked how Cree felt about mosquito spraying. Cree answered that she is in favor of mosquito spraying; in part because her husband nearly died from a mosquito born disease.  She is also ok with people opting out of being sprayed.  
Tom brought up that one of the biggest killers of people is the mosquito.  It’s not getting better with mosquitos and ticks.
The Board thanked Cree for coming.  Diane will get back to her.
Motion by Tom and second by John to train Cree Perkins to eventually take over as Town Health Officer. All in favor.  So, approved.
Conversation with BLSG candidate:  conference call:
Brad discussed BLSG.  Jeff Smith is still an Alternate on the BLSG Board.  
Conference call was placed to Jim Bosman, interested person for the BLSG Board.
There was a question as to Jim’s availability to serve on the Board.  Jim explained that since he has retired he spends half the year in New Hampshire and half the year in Leicester.  There would not be problem from November thru April; as he would be available to come up for the meetings one time per month.  He can stay with friends when he comes.  He would make every effort to make all meetings; except in May he has a prior commitment.
Jim Foley had asked Jim that if he was appointed to the BLSG Board, if he would be a liaison to the LDFLA Board.
Jim felt this was something he could do to give back to the Town and LDFLA.  He stated he understood the importance of the work given the health issues with mosquito born viruses.  It is important that the mosquito population is monitored and controlled.  It has become more and more important for public health.   
Diane asked how he felt about mosquitos being controlled or monitored. Jim explained that he would rely more on the scientifically sound and informed personnel with the committee.  He is supportive of the management plan of controlling the adult mosquitos, but also controlling the larvacide and doing the sampling and deciding when best to apply what type of controls.  He thinks it’s important that people are aware and have confidence that the BLSG group are doing everything that is scientifically sound and they allow for individuals to object and not have their properties sprayed.
Motion by Brad and second by John to approve Jim Bosman as the 2ndrepresentative to the BLSG starting in June.  All in favor. So, approved.
Town Shed:
Brad will check on the Town Shed roof project.
Motion by Tom to adjourn at 7:45 p.m.
Next Meeting May 21, 2018.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Selectboard Secretary