Minutes - 8-06-18
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday, August 6, 2018*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present:Brad Lawes, Diane Benware, Tom Barker, John Rouse, Ron Fiske Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Add setting the tax rate, error and omissions and one weight permit. Approval of July 16, 2018 minutes: Motion by Brad and second by Ron to approve minutes of July 16, 2018 as written. All in favor. So, approved. Review/Authorization to Pay Bills: Motion by John and second by Tom authorizing Julie to pay bills. All in favor. So, approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Road Foreman: Arlan reported about the water running into the driveway of the two ladies on Ferson Road. Water runs down the hill from Wheeler Road. They are not happy with the on-going situation. Tom talked with Scott about paving that spot. It’s been an ongoing problem that needs to be solved. Arlan will check with Gary at D&F to see what it would cost. Arlan reported that Steve Morrison will not be able to work until the end of November. They are in need of a person to help when they need three guys. Trevor Bergevin showed an interest and offered to help. Motion by Tom and second by John to offer Trevor Bergevin $17.00 per hour as a new hire, part-time; as needed. All in favor. So, approved. Tom reported that Maple St. on the Salisbury side is going to be closed Thursday for culvert replacement. Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie reported that the BCA hearing has been canceled. Election is next Tuesday. Julie reported that they changed the monitoring of their computer. It is now monitored every day. They are changing over the anti-virus to protect from all the new attacks. It should happen in a couple of weeks. They are saving money and better protected. Health Officer: Diane reported that on July 26thPorter Hospital reported a little girl was bitten by a family dog. Shots were all up-to-date. Little girl is fine. The dog was quarantined and observed. Everything appears ok. Cemetery Committee: Tom reported that he talked with Mrs. Johnson about clearing the fence border. She is going to continue to clean it up. Weight Permits: Arlan signed one weight permit for Bodette Landscaping & Excavating. CORRESPONDENCE: BLSG Appeal: Brad brought the Board up-to-date. A gentleman on the north end of the lake filed a motion for the freedom of information act. He wanted information from June and July of this year. They got back to him and he was informed of the $45-hour prep fee and Foley’s prep fee of $200 per hour involved for this information. The gentleman withdrew his request. Brad informed that there was discussion that they may need to hire an environmental lawyer. Judge and ANR threw it back to BLSG. Brad reported that this is second hand information he heard from another member. They are waiting to see what to do next. Brad is quite sure that the town’s budget this fall will be more if they need to obtain an attorney. PLT Suit: Julie shared information about the federal lawsuit for the pilot payment suit. Julie will make copies; asking the Board to read everything over by the August 20thmeeting. Town can opt in or not. Must decide no later than September 14, 2018. NEW BUSINESS: Setting the Tax Rate: Julie shared that they need to set the tax rate and the Board needs to determine if they want to waive the late filing penalty fees. Residential Rate is: 1.5518Non-Residential Rate is: 1.7332 Motion by Tom and second by John to set the tax rates and waive the late filing penalty. All in favor. So, approved. Listers Error & Omissions: Board signed the Listers Error & Omissions Certificate that affected the grand list. The State delayed the Homestead verifications. It is a great deal of extra work. Every time there is a change, they have to update the grand list. They are working their way through the grand list. Julie is trying to get the tax bills out for the 15th. OLD BUSINESS: Old Jerusalem Road Culvert: Gary Sweeney sent the letter Board is supposed to sign to move forward with this project and another letter discussing other things. Diane read the letters. Motion by John and second by Tom to authorize Julie to contact Carolyn Carlson on Board’s behalf. The Board wants to see the Finance & Maintenance Agreement with all necessary information to be presented to our legal counsel for review and then consider signing. All in favor. So, approved. BUILDING NEEDS: The Board decided to delay the field trip to the white building at this meeting. HIGHWAY CONCERNS/NEEDS: Town Shed: Brad talked to the roofer’s father and he said it will be done before snow flies. LIMITED PUBLIC OPINION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by John and second by Tom to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel at 7:15 p.m. Motion by Ron and second by Brad to come out of Executive Session with no action taken at 7:20 p.m. Motion by Tom to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. Next Meeting August 20, 2018. Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. TrombleySelectboard Secretary