Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Minutes - 12-17-18

Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 17, 2018
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present:Diane Benware, John Rouse, Tom Barker, Brad Lawes, Ron Fiske
Others Present:  Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary                                                          
Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair. 
Pledge of Allegiance:
Review of Agenda 
Approval of December 3, 2018 minutes:
Motion by Tom and second by Ron to approve minutes of December 3, 2018 as written.  All in favor.  So, approved.
Review/Authorization to Pay Bills:
Motion by Brad and second by Ron authorizing Julie to pay the bills; as well as, remaining 2018 bills and 2019 1stquarter insurance payment to VLCT due January 1, 2019, and any necessary transfers.  All in favor. So, approved.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Road Foreman:
Arlan reported he got a price from Gary on paving Ferson Road for $50,000.  That is 1,210’ 
from Rte. 7 and 353’ down Wheeler Road.  They have to ditch around the corner down to Ferson Road and do some grading and putting some swale in there.  He will pave the whole diamond.
Arlan and Diane will meet tomorrow @ 8:00 a.m. to look at what projects need to be done.
Town Clerk/Treasurer:
Julie reported she had all the keys re-done. Julie would like to get the Town Shed door re-keyed.
The Board was ok with that.
Julie reported that the School Facilities Coordinator stopped in and wanted to know where the boundaries are.  They are out of room for parking.  Julie stated it is impacting the Town Office spaces.  
They are going to be looking at parking options. So many adults with cars.
Julie reported that they have been paid from FEMA $7,200.
Tom reported he is getting sick of picking up debris in the cemetery; such as, needles and human waste.
There was discussion about setting up a surveillance camera. 
Vermont Sun Feedback:
Diane reported that Leicester and Sudbury wrote a joint letter to the State Police stating they wanted Steve Hare to have legally trained law enforcement authority oversight by trained law enforcement and not Hunter North.  
Steve Hare did not want to spend the money on law enforcement and the money they would save would be donated to BLSG and LDFLA.
2019 Budget First Review:
Julie provided a draft budget for review.
Board reviewed the budget.  
Van reported recycling costs are going up; as China no longer takes our recycling.  He will be passing the increased cost on to the Town.
Ron stated that Larry Thorpe does small contract jobs at $40 per hour.
Motion by Ron and second by Brad to move $10,000 that was budgeted to Building Repair Fund.  All in favor.  So, approved.
Salaries were reviewed and discussed.
Board approved that Julie be paid the $500 for Grant Administration work.
Julie will make some changes and provide a new draft for the next meeting.
Weight Permit:
Weight permit approved for Cummings & Son Land Clearing.
Filling ZA Position:
Anna Scheck is willing to be on-call from now through February.
Motion by Tom and second by John to hire Anna Scheck as interim zoning administrator.  All in favor.  So, approved.
Finance/Maintenance Agreement
Old Jerusalem Road:
Board to review and talk about the Finance/Maintenance Agreement at the next meeting.
Ron received a quote from R.K. Miles for baked enamel pre-painted screened aluminum storm windows < $3,000 for the White Building.
Town Shed:
Motion by John to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m.
Next meeting:  January 7, 2019
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Selectboard Secretary